The Moody Writer

a record of penned exorcisms of my soul


  • Misty Magic Land

    Misty Magic Land beckons me near Bidding me leave behind all things dear, And all those thoughts I do most fear, Of monsters and people, of darker smear. The lush green earth, the sparkling sky The River of Consciousness beside which I lie, All the free splendor, that escapes a longing sigh To stay here… Read more

  • The Chase

    Ubiquitous Unrest had once more a visit From Boredom, burning and derelict, Dying for company, he decided to stay on, For his wife, Mischief, was mostly gone. Driven to his limit, Unrest took leave Desperate for something new to weave. For Boredom’s sighs echoed in his ears Until he was quite in tears. At long… Read more

  • Nyx

    Draped in midnight with a crescent on her wrist, The stars wreathe her head and burn in her kiss. The earth is enveloped in the tangle of her mane, As she shakes it loose every night free rein. And as she prowls dark alleys astray, A poet, a lover, a madman, to her falls prey.… Read more