The Moody Writer

a record of penned exorcisms of my soul

The Chase

Ubiquitous Unrest had once more a visit
From Boredom, burning and derelict,
Dying for company, he decided to stay on,
For his wife, Mischief, was mostly gone.

Driven to his limit, Unrest took leave
Desperate for something new to weave.
For Boredom’s sighs echoed in his ears
Until he was quite in tears.

At long last, he found a game
In a little girl he went to claim
Who complained of a strange heart that night
As her feet went tapping not quite right.

Thinking he had found his perfect lair
In the girl with the artistic flair
Unrest set down to rest at last
As the girl’s mind went flying, fast.

But wait! Unrest groans to see
Another occupant in her mind’s tree
A slender lady crept out to him
She was Justice, the regal Queen.
Who cannot stay where Unrest stood,
And so take her leave she would.

That was all it ever took
One devastating pair of eyes to look,
That was what sealed their fate,
To their timeless running date.

For to this day, Unrest chases along
After Justice with a dance or song
Wherever she flies, he only follows
Leaving behind minds of the crazed,
Hearts of sorrows.

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