The Moody Writer

a record of penned exorcisms of my soul

Spell of Storm


Breathes life in a thunderstorm’s lair

Desire born of wild water and air.

As the first droplets touch the earth,

Feel the spark of this quintessential birth.

The old trick, abandoned, near rotten;

The stirrings in a dusty space

Comes alive remnants of the forgotten,

In a bored lair, in a well-worn stage.

Symphony of words soon fill the deafening silences,

As the lover with his muse fatefully meets,

Dances, burns, melts and flies in senses,

And passion freely sears through lost cold sheets.

Until finally, ink is spilled in ecstasy’s torment-

Witness, magical ether reborn in a night’s moment.

-Subarna Banerjee

Illustrator: Dipsuvra Ali

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